The home for equity-centered entrepreneurs doing business their way.

You believe business can be a catalyst for change.

You dream of a world where everyone can thrive, and where business is doing its part to make that happen (rather than extracting all it can from people in the name of endless profits).

You want to be an anti-Bezos. Feminist Founders will show you how!

> In the free newsletter, get monthly emails with in-depth explorations on the complicated and beautiful intersection of feminism and business.

> When you upgrade to an inexpensive paid subscription, get bonus content and access to a community of folks just like you (via discussion threads and co-working sessions).

About Becky

For three decades, I lived a life of “shoulds.” Good grades, good job, good marriage, good house … and still I was tired and unfulfilled.

My brother’s death from a heroin overdose in 2010 was my wake-up call. Life’s too short to hustle hard, put others first, and function like a robot. I got divorced, changed careers, re-married, committed to unlearning my racist conditioning, and became a mom.

Today, I live with far more ease. I do work I love—when and how I want. I set boundaries, ask for help, and tend to my own needs and wants. And I act in full alignment with my values—always.

I’m an ICF-certified accountability coach who helps feminist founders reclaim their time and headspace so they can run equity-centered businesses (without sacrificing success).

Other facts: I’m an INFJ, Enneagram 6, Pisces, Human Design Manifesting Generator, and manage an anxiety disorder. All of that means I care deeply, don’t love conflict (but I’m deeply invested in learning how to engage in it), and am passionate about helping others find their power.

Why Subscribe?

The business world gaslights you into believing your vision for an equitable world isn’t possible. You must do business the “right” way (aka build an empire) or go broke.

It’s entirely possible to build a killer (and profitable) business that opts out of the harmful traits and tactics of toxic capitalism.

» You want to learn (but not “business as usual”).

In the free monthly newsletter, you’ll get in-depth information about the issues that matter most to you (time, productivity, money, leadership, confidence, visibility, etc.).

These aren’t just “life hacks” written by toxic marketing bros or “love and light” tropes from white feminists.

Becky contextualizes the historic and systemic issues related to any topic in the newsletter to honor the realities of feminist founders who often hold many marginalized identities.

Learning through a feminist lens can help you unlearn the harmful conditioning of white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy—and plenty of that shows up in the business world.

» You want to feel less alone.

It’s can be lonely to be a feminist founder. When you upgrade to a paid subscription, you’ll have access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

  • You’ll receive regular profiles of feminist founders who are doing business differently. These bonus emails will inspire, motivate, and validate you.

  • You’ll also have commenting privileges on discussion threads. Keeping these conversations behind a paywall creates a space where feminists can share more freely about their personal and professional lives (without fear of racist, sexist assholes piping in).

  • I’m here, too, and I welcome questions, suggestions, or comments from paying subscribers. Let’s talk all things feminism and business, or just shoot the shit. This space is the best place to interact with me. 

  • As a special token of appreciation, I host monthly co-working sessions via Zoom only for paid subscribers. Get nagging tasks off your to-do list in a supportive environment with people who “get” what you’re trying to do.

» You want to reward Becky’s work.

Whether you’ve been following me for years or only recently discovered my work, you’re probably here because you vibe with my values.

The best way to show your support for my work and mission is by signing up for a paid subscription.

Your investment goes a long way toward giving me the time and space I need to research, write, and record content that helps feminist founders like you

Thanks for being here. I’m so excited to see the positive change we can collectively create when we support each other in doing business better.

Your biggest fan,

Subscribe to Feminist Founders

Thoughts at the intersection of business and feminism. Entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for creating an equity-centered world!


Accountability coach for feminist founders. | Black Lives Matter | Transwomen are Women | Abortion is Healthcare | Host, Feminist Founders podcast | She/they